Friday, April 20, 2007

Update - Dr. Riyadh Lafta at Simon Fraser

Now the British government won't even give him a transit visa through Heathrow to change planes. Of course, this should not be surprising as the Blair is in bed with Bush and both have a vested interest in keeping the world ignorant of the findings of this report.

We need this data and, as unpopular as it is, we need to complete this work," Dr. Takaro said. "It's extraordinary that the British would have held up something, and it makes me think that they were influenced to do it -- we'd love to know why."

Another thing I have noticed when I have tried to research this story is the way that it has been almost ignored by the media. I found nothing on the CBC website, and this morning, my favourite current events program on CBC ONE "The Current" was supposed to have done a story on Dr Lafta this morning - but didn't. I am really curious to know why and sent an email to that effect. I doubt if I shall receive a response.

Update on the Update: I did get a response from The Current:
I am not sure why this didn't air or if it was a mistake in the promo ... I didn't see it in the line up. We are still intending to do the story though. Stay tuned next week.

Take care,

Lisa Ayuso
The Current

So there you have it. I, for one, will be waiting.

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