Atv rider struck, killed by train
Ok, Anonymous commenter
I will rewrite my blog post with what I do know as reflected in the article above:
The man in the article above was riding his atv on railway tracks, where he was hit by a train.
This act of thoughtlessness resulted in his death, and left behind friends and family who mourn his loss and one engineer who will have to live with a tragedy not of his making for the rest of his life.
Moral of the story: Tons of train cannot stop on a dime and atvs do not belong on railway tracks.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
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I live in Dorchester and new Mr. Partridge very well....he was a very nice man and for you to voice your opinion in such a rude way is disgusting. There was no need to use this man's name in this article. You could have just as easily made your point without offending any of his friends and family. Did you at any time think about how his family and friends would feel if they read this??? And for you to say that you send your condolences is pointless...especially after saying that he was stupid. Do you not realize that everyone makes mistakes??? Do you not realize that it was hard enough for his family to deal with without having to read the opinions of somebody who doesn't even know the full story. Anyone can die at any time doing anything. Accidents happen all the time and there is no need for people like you to voice any opinion at all...just to get your 2 cents worth printed!
With respect, I never called him stupid - I called the accident stupid. Even you can't deny that it was, like most accidents, the consequences of a stupid or thoughtless act: just like people who refuse to wear seat belts.
I am sure he was a nice man, but his way of passing was a stupid, thoughtless waste of a human being.
No offense, but if you read the last paragraph of the article that YOU wrote...I do believe you called him stupid. And by the way, you seem to think that you know all about didn't even get his first name right!...Maybe you should research a bit more before letting on you know all.
It's a blog.
It doesn't mean a damn thing except someone's opinion based on a newspaper article. The same article that was probably read by thousands of other people who probably thought the same thing:
"What the hell was he doing riding an atv a railway track?"
Hey, Anonymous, since you seem to be "in the know" about everything. You tell us: Was he drunk, stoned, stupid?
Those are the only reasons I can think of for this "accident".
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